At Life Chapel, our goal for you is not just to become a “church attender.” Our goal is to help you come to know God personally and grow in that relationship with him.

Spiritual growth doesn’t happen accidentally. It happens when we intentionally put ourselves in position to experience God and grow in him.

If you want to grow in your faith, simply put, you need to create time and space to experience God.

Throughout the scriptures we find the value of setting aside time for daily devotion with God. Specifically, there are three spiritual disciplines that the scripture teaches should be practiced daily — worship, scripture reading, and prayer. By making time for these three things, we open ourselves up to connect with God, hear him speak to us, and allow him to minister to our needs.

Statistically, spending just 5 min a day on each of these disciplines makes a huge difference in our overall spiritual and mental health. That’s just 15 minutes a day!

Take the Challenge

Consider setting an alarm on your phone to help remind you to do this daily.

  1. Start with worship. Find a worship song on Youtube or Spotify. As the song begins, invite the Holy Spirit to come and soak your heart in the presence of God. Sing along. Raise your hands. Actively engage in praising God. Seek to connect with Him through worship. Enjoy His presence.

  2. Read scripture. Find a chapter in The Bible (or a block of verses within a chapter) and read it. Consider reading the verses through more than once. What stands out to you? What is God saying to you through His Word? How does it apply to your life? Consider having a pen and a journal close by to write down whatever the Lord lays on your heart.

  3. Pray. Pray over whatever may have stood out to you in the scripture. Pray for God to help you apply it to your life. Repent of any sins or wrongdoing towards others. Pray over your day, ask for his blessings. Pray for the people he puts on your heart, your family, your church.

If you’ll do this throughout your week, you will experience greater intimacy with God and you will grow in your faith. Take the challenge today!